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cotton ART®
Bib apron black with pocket 100 x 80 cm cotton ART® Black
optional with LOGO
Bib apron black with pocket order cheap and individually printed or embroidered Our low-priced bestseller bib apron black is ideal for professional use in the catering industry. With an individual embroidery or printing, the black bib apron becomes a real unique item. We would be happy to embroider and print your personal logo or lettering on this bib apron. Bib apron black with pocket can be refined cheaply at cotton ART We have been embroidering and printing textiles of various kinds since 1999. In addition to aprons, our range also includes men's polo shirts, ladies' jackets and restaurant linen. Of course, we can also embroider and print your high-quality bib apron with an individual motif. For embroidery, we only use quality yarns with Ökotex® Standard 100, so we can always guarantee high quality. We have over 400 thread colours available in our embroidery workshop. We can embroider your logo in up to 15 colours without any colour surcharge. You can allow approximately 7 to 10 working days for your order to be completed. If you would like to receive your order one or two days earlier, you can use our express shipping service after consultation. Adjustable bib apron black in high quality The bib apron with pocket scores with a high-quality finish. It consists of a material mix of 65% polyester and 35% cotton. This composition makes the adjustable bib apron robust and boil-proof. Thanks to these properties, the high-quality cooking apron can be used for many gastronomic purposes - both in the professional and private sector. In addition, there is a practical pocket on the side. You can store small items there. Furthermore, you can adjust the right size by means of press studs on the neck loop. Black bib apron with press stud order conveniently in the Online Shop
Item no.: LC90TBK-001

cotton ART®
Bib apron white with pocket 100 x 80 cm cotton ART® White
optional with LOGO
White bib apron with pocket order cheap and have logo printed or embroidered on request Our inexpensive white bib apron with pocket is ideal for professional use in the catering industry. In addition to professional purposes, you can also use the high-quality cooking apron privately when cooking and baking. With an individual finish, the Basic Bib Apron becomes a truly unique item. We will be happy to embroider and print your personal logo or lettering on it. Bib apron white with pocket can be printed cheaply at cotton ART We have been embroidering and printing textiles of various kinds for several years. In addition to aprons, our range also includes men's polo shirts, women's jackets and restaurant linen. Of course, we can also embroider and print your high-quality chef's apron with an individual motif. For embroidery, we only use quality yarns with Ökotex® Standard 100, so we can always guarantee high quality. We have over 400 thread colours available in our embroidery workshop. We can embroider your logo in up to 15 colours without any colour surcharge. You can allow approximately 7 to 10 working days for your order to be completed. If you would like to receive your order one or two days earlier, you can use our express shipping service after consultation. Order adjustable bib apron in the colour white at a favourable price The bib apron with pocket scores with a high-quality finish. It is made of a material mix of 65% polyester and 35% cotton. This composition makes the adjustable bib apron robust and boil-proof. Thanks to these properties, the high-quality cooking apron can be used for many gastronomic purposes - both in the professional and private sector. In addition, there is a practical pocket on the side. You can store small items there. Furthermore, you can adjust the right size by means of press studs on the neck loop. Design and print your white bib apron with snap fastener online We at cotton ART can also embroider and print your high-quality cooking apron with a logo. Simply choose the right colour for your adjustable bib apron and submit an embroidery request. Finally, you have the option of uploading your desired motif. Shortly afterwards, you will receive a non-binding offer from us by e-mail. If you have any questions, you can come by during our business hours and contact us by phone. Of course, you can also tell us about your request in an e-mail.  
Item no.: LC90TSE-001

€3.95* €7.95* (50.31% saved)
Bib apron 44000 Greiff®
optional with LOGO
Die gestreifte Latzschürze mit Taschen kombiniert einen lässigen, urbanen Look mit klassischer Eleganz im Gessato-Stil. Ihr stilvolles Streifenmuster macht sie zur perfekten Wahl für Gastronomie, Service oder kreative Berufe, in denen ein professionelles und modernes Erscheinungsbild gefragt ist. Mit einer Breite von 70 cm und einer Länge von 90 cm bietet die Schürze eine angenehme Passform und schützt die Kleidung zuverlässig. Die praktische, aufgesetzte Tasche sorgt für ausreichend Stauraum für Arbeitsutensilien, während die integrierte Geschirrtuch-Schlaufe zusätzlichen Komfort bietet. Das verstellbare Nackenband ermöglicht eine individuelle Anpassung und garantiert einen optimalen Sitz. Hergestellt aus 100 % Baumwolle, überzeugt die Schürze durch ihre hautfreundlichen, atmungsaktiven Eigenschaften und hohen Tragekomfort. Das Material ist strapazierfähig, pflegeleicht und ideal für den täglichen Einsatz geeignet. Zusätzlich kann die Latzschürze günstig bedruckt oder bestickt werden, um sie individuell mit einem Logo oder Namen zu personalisieren – perfekt für ein professionelles und einheitliches Team-Outfit.
Item no.: 44000.1800-001

Bib apron 4040 77 x 85 cm Greiff® denim look green
optional with LOGO
Die Latzschürze in Denim-Optik verbindet modernes Design mit hoher Funktionalität und ist in drei stilvollen Farben erhältlich, die sich ideal mit verschiedenen Arbeitsoutfits kombinieren lassen. Sie verleiht jedem professionellen Look eine lässige Note, während sie gleichzeitig Schutz und Komfort im Arbeitsalltag bietet. Mit einer Breite von 77 cm und einer Länge von 85 cm bietet die Schürze eine optimale Abdeckung und sorgt für ein gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild. Dank der Knopfleiste am Nackenband kann die Länge unkompliziert an die individuelle Körpergröße angepasst werden, was für einen angenehmen Sitz sorgt. Die aufgesetzten Taschen bieten ausreichend Stauraum für wichtige Arbeitsutensilien, während die praktische Geschirrtuch-Schlaufe zusätzlichen Komfort im Arbeitsalltag gewährleistet. Der hochwertige Oberstoff besteht aus 52 % Baumwolle, 45 % Polyester und 3 % Elastolefin, wodurch die Schürze besonders strapazierfähig, pflegeleicht und angenehm zu tragen ist. Das Material sorgt für eine langlebige Formstabilität und hält den Anforderungen eines professionellen Arbeitsumfelds mühelos stand. Zusätzlich kann die Latzschürze in Denim-Optik günstig bedruckt oder bestickt werden, um sie individuell mit einem Logo oder Namen zu personalisieren – ideal für ein einheitliches und professionelles Team-Outfit in Gastronomie, Service oder Handwerk.
Item no.: 4040.6910-003

Bib apron CANVAS 4049 77 x 95 cm Greiff® rust brown
optional with LOGO
Die Latzschürze aus robustem Canvas vereint Funktionalität mit modernem Design und ist die ideale Wahl für den professionellen Einsatz in Gastronomie, Service oder kreativen Werkstätten. Erhältlich in den stilvollen Farben Oliv, Rost und Sand, bietet sie eine perfekte Kombination aus Strapazierfähigkeit und zeitgemäßem Look. Mit einer Breite von 77 cm und einer Länge von 95 cm bietet die Schürze großzügigen Schutz für die Kleidung. Die praktischen aufgesetzten Taschen ermöglichen schnellen Zugriff auf Arbeitsutensilien, während die Knopfleiste am Nackenband eine einfache Anpassung an die individuelle Körpergröße ermöglicht. Der hochwertige Canvas-Oberstoff besteht aus 65 % Baumwolle und 35 % Polyester, was die Schürze besonders langlebig, pflegeleicht und angenehm zu tragen macht. Das Material hält den Anforderungen des Arbeitsalltags mühelos stand und sorgt für eine ansprechende Optik. Zusätzlich kann die Latzschürze günstig bedruckt oder bestickt werden, um sie individuell mit einem Logo oder Namen zu personalisieren – perfekt für ein einheitliches und professionelles Auftreten im Team.
Item no.: 4049.6420-003

Bib Apron 4412 77 x 100 cm Greiff® Black
optional with LOGO
Die lange Latzschürze in Schwarz überzeugt durch ihr schlichtes, elegantes Design und ihre hohe Funktionalität. Hergestellt aus einem angenehmen Mischgewebe, bietet sie nicht nur einen hohen Tragekomfort, sondern lässt sich auch vielseitig mit anderen Kleidungsstücken kombinieren – ideal für den Einsatz in Gastronomie, Service oder kreativen Arbeitsbereichen. Mit einer Breite von 77 cm und einer Länge von 100 cm sorgt die Schürze für umfassenden Schutz der Kleidung. Die aufgesetzte Tasche bietet praktischen Stauraum für kleine Utensilien, die schnell griffbereit sein müssen. Das verstellbare Nackenband mit Metallschnalle ermöglicht eine individuelle Anpassung und sorgt für optimalen Sitz und hohen Tragekomfort während des gesamten Arbeitstags. Das Material besteht aus 65 % Polyester und 35 % Baumwolle, was die Schürze besonders pflegeleicht, strapazierfähig und langlebig macht. Sie ist bestens für den täglichen Gebrauch geeignet und hält den Anforderungen eines anspruchsvollen Arbeitsumfelds mühelos stand. Zusätzlich kann die Latzschürze günstig bedruckt oder bestickt werden, um sie individuell mit einem Logo oder Namen zu personalisieren – ideal für ein einheitliches und professionelles Team-Outfit.
Item no.: 4412.6400-001

Premier® Workwear
Annex bib apron made of Oxford fabric 72 x 86 cm Premier® Mustard (approx. Pantone 7405C)
optional with LOGO
Annex Bib Apron in Oxford Fabric An attractive bib apron made of yarn-dyed cotton with an effective, colourful woven look. It has a tablet-sized pocket at the front with a pen pocket. The waistband in the same fabric is fastened with double D-rings. Decorative and at the same time practical details made of imitation leather round off this fantastic apron. Faux leather neck strap with buckle Faux leather cloth holder and side straps Pocket 26 cm wide, 20 cm high
Item no.: PR144-005

Premier® Workwear
Sustainable Bib Apron Barley with contrast stitching 86 x 72 cm Premier® Black/Charcoal
optional with LOGO
   Stylische Latzschürze aus Recyceltem Polyester und Baumwolle Entdecken Sie unsere innovative Latzschürze, die Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit in einem stilvollen Design vereint. Hergestellt aus einer hochwertigen Mischung aus recyceltem Polyester und Baumwolle, repräsentiert diese Schürze unsere Verpflichtung zum umweltbewussten Einkauf und zur Wiederverwendung von Kunststoff. Materialqualität: Die Kombination aus recyceltem Polyester und Baumwolle gewährleistet Langlebigkeit und Tragekomfort. Nützliche Taschen: Ausgestattet mit zwei praktischen Seitentaschen (24 cm tief und 17 cm breit), die durch stilvolle Nietenverzierungen hervorgehoben werden. Eine mittlere Reißverschlusstasche, die sich an der Unterseite öffnet, erleichtert Stickereien für Personalisierungszwecke. Verstellbarkeit & Komfort: Mit einer verstellbaren Schnalle aus antikem Messing am Nackenband für eine individuelle Passform. Einzigartiges Design: Hervorgehoben durch kontrastreiche Nähte, übergroße Messingösen und ein industriell schickes Gefühl. Größe: Mit einer Länge von 86 cm und einer Breite von 72 cm sowie 90 cm langen Bändern, bietet sie eine großzügige Abdeckung. Personalisierungsoptionen: Die Schürze lässt sich individuell mit Logos, Vereinswappen, Firmenlogos, Texten oder CI-gerechten Schriftzügen bedrucken oder besticken - ideal für eine persönliche Note oder zur Markenpräsentation. Vielseitige Einsatzbereiche: Perfekt geeignet für diverse Branchen wie Catering, Hotelwesen, Umweltmanagement, Gesundheitswesen, Gastgewerbe, Installationsdienste, Logistik und Einzelhandel. Bestellung: Bestellen Sie diese Latzschürze günstig online. Wählen Sie aus, ob Sie sie mit individuellen Stickereien oder Drucken versehen lassen möchten, um Ihren professionellen Anspruch perfekt zu unterstreichen. Diese Schürze ist nicht nur ein praktischer Begleiter in vielen Berufsfeldern, sondern setzt auch ein starkes Zeichen für umweltbewusstes Handeln und Stil.
Item no.: PR121-004

Bib apron URBAN-NATURE with cross straps 85 x 70 cm Karlowsky® pebble gray
optional with LOGO
Bib apron URBAN-NATURE with embroidered or printed cross straps Bib apron with removable, contrasting ribbons, unmistakable characteristic of classic charm and urban look, special eye-catchers are the cross straps with natural look. Both apron straps are worn over the shoulders and thus relieve the neck area, functional closure: the straps are crossed at the back, then pulled through the eyelets and then knotted (flexible length and height adjustment). Both straps are easily removable and can be washed separately. Central, patch pockets included: 1 central large compartment (39 x 20 cm), 2 side pen pockets and 1 small patch pocket (17 x 11 cm)
Item no.: LS39-005

Westford Mill®
Fairtrade apron 70 x 93 cm Westford Mill® Natural
optional with LOGO
Fairtrade certified cotton Cotton drill 290 g/m² (10 oz/yd²) Bib apron Large front pocket Cotton waistband with adjustable sliding buckle 100cm cotton waist ties in herringbone pattern Apron length: 93cm Apron width: 70 cm
Item no.: WM364-003

Premier® Workwear
Colors Bib apron with pocket 72 x 86 cm Premier® Rose (approx. Pantone 5015C)
optional with LOGO
Colours Bib Apron with Pocket Classic bib apron with centre pocket including pencil compartment. Thanks to the buckle on the neckband, the length can be adjusted as desired. Available in 40 colours from Premier's Colours collection. Width 72 cm Total length 86 cm 90 cm long waist bands The Colours bib apron with pocket and pen compartment from Premier® is well suited for staff in cafés, restaurants and bars. Have the short chef's apron embroidered and printed with your logo. This also promotes togetherness among your service team.       
Item no.: PW154-042

Variants from €9.52*
cotton ART®
Bib apron bordeaux with pocket 100 x 80 cm cotton ART® Bordeaux
optional with LOGO
Bib apron sand with pocket order cheap and print or embroider with desired motif Our inexpensive bib apron in the colour sand with pocket is ideal for professional use in the catering industry. In addition to professional purposes, you can also use the high-quality chef's apron privately for cooking and baking. With an individual finish, the Basic Bib Apron becomes a truly unique item. We will be happy to embroider and print your personal logo or lettering on it. Cheap embroidery of adjustable bib apron with pocket We have been embroidering and printing textiles of all kinds for several years. In addition to aprons, our range also includes men's polo shirts, ladies' jackets and restaurant linen. Of course, we can also embroider and print your high-quality chef's apron with an individual motif. For embroidery, we only use quality yarns with Ökotex® Standard 100, so we can always guarantee high quality. We have over 400 thread colours available in our embroidery workshop. We can embroider your logo in up to 15 colours without any colour surcharge. You can allow approximately 7 to 10 working days for your order to be completed. If you would like to receive your order one or two days earlier, you can use our express shipping service after consultation. Adjustable bib apron in the colour sand The bib apron with pocket scores with a high-quality finish. It consists of a material mix of 65% polyester and 35% cotton. This composition makes the adjustable bib apron robust and boil-proof. Thanks to these properties, the high-quality chef's apron can be used for many gastronomic purposes - both in the professional and private sector. In addition, there is a practical pocket on the side. You can store small items there. Furthermore, you can adjust the right size by means of press studs on the neck loop. Bib apron sand with snap fastener order comfortably in our online shop We at cotton ART can also embroider and print your high-quality cooking apron with a logo. Simply choose the right colour for your adjustable bib apron and submit an embroidery request. Finally, you have the option of uploading your desired motif. Shortly afterwards, you will receive a non-binding offer from us by e-mail. If you have any questions, you can come by during our business hours and contact us by phone. Of course, you can also tell us about your request in an e-mail.  
Item no.: LC90TBR-001

cotton ART®
Bib apron brown with pocket 100 x 80 cm cotton ART® Brown
optional with LOGO
Bib apron sand with pocket order cheap and print or embroider with desired motif Our inexpensive bib apron in the colour sand with pocket is ideal for professional use in the catering industry. In addition to professional purposes, you can also use the high-quality chef's apron privately for cooking and baking. With an individual finish, the Basic Bib Apron becomes a truly unique item. We will be happy to embroider and print your personal logo or lettering on it. Cheap embroidery of adjustable bib apron with pocket We have been embroidering and printing textiles of all kinds for several years. In addition to aprons, our range also includes men's polo shirts, ladies' jackets and restaurant linen. Of course, we can also embroider and print your high-quality chef's apron with an individual motif. For embroidery, we only use quality yarns with Ökotex® Standard 100, so we can always guarantee high quality. We have over 400 thread colours available in our embroidery workshop. We can embroider your logo in up to 15 colours without any colour surcharge. You can allow approximately 7 to 10 working days for your order to be completed. If you would like to receive your order one or two days earlier, you can use our express shipping service after consultation. Adjustable bib apron in the colour sand The bib apron with pocket scores with a high-quality finish. It consists of a material mix of 65% polyester and 35% cotton. This composition makes the adjustable bib apron robust and boil-proof. Thanks to these properties, the high-quality chef's apron can be used for many gastronomic purposes - both in the professional and private sector. In addition, there is a practical pocket on the side. You can store small items there. Furthermore, you can adjust the right size by means of press studs on the neck loop. Bib apron sand with snap fastener order comfortably in our online shop We at cotton ART can also embroider and print your high-quality cooking apron with a logo. Simply choose the right colour for your adjustable bib apron and submit an embroidery request. Finally, you have the option of uploading your desired motif. Shortly afterwards, you will receive a non-binding offer from us by e-mail. If you have any questions, you can come by during our business hours and contact us by phone. Of course, you can also tell us about your request in an e-mail.  
Item no.: LC90TBRA-001

cotton ART®
Quota Exceede#
optional with LOGO
Bib apron sand with pocket order cheap and print or embroider with desired motif Our inexpensive bib apron in the colour sand with pocket is ideal for professional use in the catering industry. In addition to professional purposes, you can also use the high-quality chef's apron privately for cooking and baking. With an individual finish, the Basic Bib Apron becomes a truly unique item. We will be happy to embroider and print your personal logo or lettering on it. Cheap embroidery of adjustable bib apron with pocket We have been embroidering and printing textiles of all kinds for several years. In addition to aprons, our range also includes men's polo shirts, ladies' jackets and restaurant linen. Of course, we can also embroider and print your high-quality chef's apron with an individual motif. For embroidery, we only use quality yarns with Ökotex® Standard 100, so we can always guarantee high quality. We have over 400 thread colours available in our embroidery workshop. We can embroider your logo in up to 15 colours without any colour surcharge. You can allow approximately 7 to 10 working days for your order to be completed. If you would like to receive your order one or two days earlier, you can use our express shipping service after consultation. Adjustable bib apron in the colour sand The bib apron with pocket scores with a high-quality finish. It consists of a material mix of 65% polyester and 35% cotton. This composition makes the adjustable bib apron robust and boil-proof. Thanks to these properties, the high-quality chef's apron can be used for many gastronomic purposes - both in the professional and private sector. In addition, there is a practical pocket on the side. You can store small items there. Furthermore, you can adjust the right size by means of press studs on the neck loop. Bib apron sand with snap fastener order comfortably in our online shop We at cotton ART can also embroider and print your high-quality cooking apron with a logo. Simply choose the right colour for your adjustable bib apron and submit an embroidery request. Finally, you have the option of uploading your desired motif. Shortly afterwards, you will receive a non-binding offer from us by e-mail. If you have any questions, you can come by during our business hours and contact us by phone. Of course, you can also tell us about your request in an e-mail.  
Item no.: LC90TSES-001

€3.95* €7.95* (50.31% saved)
Premier® Workwear
Calibre pocket apron made of cotton canvas 72 x 86 cm Premier® Navy (approx. Pantone 533C)
optional with LOGO
Calibre Heavy Cotton Canvas Pocket Apron This bib apron is a welcome addition to our Calibre apron range. It has a kangaroo pocket with a practical four-way divider and a grey metallic eyelet for attaching the neck strap. With its stylish rivets and sturdy yet soft cotton canvas, this apron adds a touch of luxury to your service. Pocket with four-way divider Rivet details on pocket Extra-large eyelet for neck strap The apron is ideal for staff in industrial kitchens as well as for service staff in bars and restaurants. You already make a good visual impression with the bib apron. If you want your customers and guests to have a positive memory of your establishment , it's worth having your own company logo printed on it. We can embroider this on your textiles. The round metal eyelet at the top of the bib apron is a particular eye-catcher. It is not only visually eye-catching, but also has a specific function. You can securely attach the fabric ribbon to it. Even with many hectic movements in everyday working life, it stays in place. The fabric is perfectly tailored for use in the catering industry. The plain weave of cotton guarantees a soft and pleasant feeling on the skin. In addition, the material is characterised by its robustness and durability. In a stressful everyday working life, this property can be very valuable. This is also the case if you want to have the bib apron embroidered. After all, the logo on the textiles should last well. Due to our many years of experience in embroidering and printing on clothing, we can guarantee this.
Item no.: PR137-008

Premier® Workwear
Quota Exceede#
optional with LOGO
Espresso Bib Apron This apron combines polyester/cotton blend fabric and faux leather for a cool, modern look. The apron has a wide faux leather border at the top with two large eyelets to pull the neckband through. The neckband can be adjusted on both sides with two press studs. The centre seam in the front pocket creates two practical bellows pockets that complete the look of this original apron. 86 cm long, 72 cm wide. With imitation leather edging at the top and neck band. Press studs on the neck band to adjust the length. Two practical bellows pockets 13 cm long.  
Item no.: PR123-004

Premier® Workwear
Chino Cotton Bib Apron 72 x 86 cm Premier®
optional with LOGO
Cotton Chino Bib Apron A bib apron with design elements of the popular chino style. It has a centre patch pocket with topstitching and rivets at the front; two side pockets (large enough for tablets) are located just below waist level. One end of the neckband is loose to be pulled through the buckle and fastened with a snap. Bib apron, L 86 cm x W 72 cm Stitched chino pocket with rivets Neck strap with press stud As far as looks are concerned, the bib apron impresses with the classic accents of the typical chino style. This creates a modern look that is particularly suited to quaint restaurants and bars. It features edgy details. If your own company logo is combined with it, it completes the look perfectly. We are happy to embroider your entire workwear with the desired motif. Since aprons are worn almost every day in the catering business, a high level of comfort is important. This can also be guaranteed with this bib apron. For example, the bib apron can be easily opened and closed with a simple press-stud fastener. In addition, the neckband is held in place by this fastener. If things get stressful, the fabric band will still hold. Numerous things can be stored in the three practical pockets. Besides the two pockets on the side, there is another pocket in the middle of the chest. This is particularly suitable for embroidering a logo. With us, you can rely on high quality. This applies to both the embroidery and the printing of the textiles.  
Item no.: PR132-004

Premier® Workwear
Sustainable Fairtrade Bib Apron 60 x 84 cm Premier® Black
optional with LOGO
Sustainable Fairtrade bib apron The right apron for businesses that take Fairtrade principles into account when choosing their products. This apron is made from 100% certified Fairtrade cotton, so customers can be sure of its verified origin. Single pocket Neckband with buckle Width 60 cm, total length 84 cm The Fairtrade apron from Premier® is ideal for companies in the catering and hotel industry that place great value on Fairtrade products. With the bib apron with pocket, you get a product made from 100% Fairtrade cotton from certified origin. To make the short chef's apron the perfect workwear, you can have it embroidered and printed with logo and lettering.      
Item no.: PR112-001

Fairtrade bib apron organic cotton 90 x 90 cm NEUTRAL® Bottle Green
optional with LOGO
  Robust twill waiter apron with 20% recycled polyester for improved durability and colour fastness. Features two front pockets, a handy strap for tea towels and space for two pens. Adjustable buckle at neck and ties at waist for easy size adjustment. Completed with Neutral® and Fairtrade flag labels at back seam.  
Item no.: O92020-003

Bib apron URBAN-LOOK with cross ribbons 85 x 70 cm Karlowsky® pebble gray One Size
optional with LOGO
Bib apron URBAN-LOOK with embroidered or printed cross ribbons Bib apron with removable, contrasting ribbons. Trend-conscious combination of elegant look and cool streetwear style. Contrasting bands in a natural look, all bands can be attached and removed quickly and easily using press studs. Both apron straps are worn over the shoulders and thus relieve the neck area. Functional closure: the straps are crossed at the back, then pulled through the buckles and then knotted (flexible length and height adjustment). Modern, bevelled edges at the ends of the apron. Pen loop on the right side of the chest. Left-hand pocket (19 x 21 cm) with contrasting loop for attaching pens, tea towels or other kitchen utensils.
Item no.: LS38-005

Bib apron Urban Casual Style 80 x 68 cm Karlowsky® Stone gray
optional with LOGO
Twill fabric, 273 g/m² washable modern and casual bib apron in twill look with bands of apron fabric Bib band with buckle for stepless length adjustment bronzed rivets and contrasting topstitching for an unmistakable urban style practical fabric loop on the right side for attaching a cashier's holster or tea towel pocket on left side (19 x 21 cm) washable up to 60 C
Item no.: LS29-005

Bib apron Urban X-Style 80 x 68 cm Karlowsky® Stone gray
optional with LOGO
Twill fabric, 273 g/m² washable stylish bib apron in twill look with cross straps to relieve neck strain easy removal and fastening of all straps by means of snap fasteners Buckles for infinitely variable length adjustment additional waist band to adjust the width guarantees a tight fit bronzed rivets and contrasting topstitching for a distinctive urban style functional straps made of genuine leather practical fabric loop on the right side for attaching a cashier's holster or tea towel left pocket (16 x 24 cm) and pen pocket at chest level washable up to 60 C
Item no.: LS25-005

Sommelier apron with pocket Blended fabric 90 x 76 cm Kariban® Mustard One Size
optional with LOGO
Buy sommelier apron mixed fabric cheap and have it printed or embroidered with logo on request! KARIBAN / HOSPITALITY CLOTHING FORYOUR SERVICESReception and service needs impeccable clothing, guaranteed comfort and easy maintenance. Uniforms in contact professions allow to appease and to convey a brand image. POLYCOTTON SHIRTS Wide range of colours Adjustable in width with a metal buckle on the collar. Colours with denim: This product has been specially treated to create a worn effect. This handcrafted process involves colour differences from one product to another and makes each piece unique.
Item no.: K890-029


Bib aprons with pocket - have them printed and embroidered with your logo

If you are looking for a high-quality bib apron with pocket, you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for in the cotton ART online shop. You can choose the bib apron of your choice in different colours and lengths. Whether for the kitchen, the bistro, the service area or the floor - you will find the right bib apron. Of course, you can have them personalised according to your own wishes. Each bib apron can be printed or embroidered with your own logo. You will always be sent a sample in advance so that you can make any necessary changes. Your satisfaction is a huge concern for us.


Buy premium bib aprons with pocket at unbeatable prices online

Each of our models convinces with first-class quality. You can rely on high-quality workmanship and materials of the best quality. In addition, our prices are almost unbeatable. In our online shop of cotton ART you will find high quality at low prices. Therefore, we also offer you the best and most famous brands and brands. In our online shop you will see that good quality can also be absolutely affordable. Embroidery and printing of aprons is also inexpensive at cotton ART. We guarantee that you will be thrilled with the personalised bib apron with pocket. With these personalised aprons, you will give your business the perfect appearance. Whether at the catering or buffet, in open show kitchens or in the service - these printed and embroidered aprons always ensure a better image in public. The aprons with logo are also ideal for promotional purposes and as small giveaways. Our brands:

  • Chaud Devant®
  • Kariban®
Latzschurze mit Tasche von Chaud Devant Latzschurze mit Tasche von Greiff Latzschurze mit Tasche von Kariban


Our models for bib aprons with pocket

You can find the bib apron with pocket in the cotton ART online shop in a wide variety of designs. This way we can cover all your needs. Choose between trendy and stylish:

Bib aprons with press stud Latzschurze mit Tasche mit Druckknopfen
Latzschurze-mit-Tasche-mit-verstellbarem-Nackenband Bib aprons with adjustable neckband
Bib aprons with slit Latzschurze-mit-Tasche-mit-Schlitz


The bib apron with press stud is absolutely comfortable to wear and very convenient. The bib apron with adjustable neckband always fits perfectly. These aprons are ideal if you are buying them for your staff. They can be individually adapted to different body sizes and measurements. The bib apron with slit is especially suitable for the service area and also for the kitchen and floor.


Have your bib apron with pocket printed or embroidered

The printed or embroidered company logo is the ideal advertising for your business. You can also monogram the aprons and use these elegant aprons as high quality gifts for customers. You can also personalise the aprons with the names of your employees. These look much classier than conventional name tags. In this way, you can create a lot of style with a small effort. You can't decide or don't know for which purposes you can use them or which variant is best for you? Then give us a call. We will be happy to advise you.


Your advantages with cotton ART

  • You receive an embroidered approval sample
  • Free design
  • PANTONE® colour match
  • According to OEKO-TEX® Standard 100

Not only the aprons themselves, but also the print and embroidery are absolutely affordable in the cotton ART online shop and convince with best quality. Before you decide on a print or embroidery, you will receive an approval sample to decide and check. Our colours are high quality and colourfast. Let us convince you of our high quality textiles and the favourable prices.


How does the request for printing and embroidery work?


Place article in the shopping cart


"Click on "Request a quote


Upload logo and send

We grant discounts for larger quantities.

We will prepare your non-binding offer within 24 hours.


Relaxed shopping: Bib aprons with pocket can be embroidered and printed without risk!

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Embroidered approval sample with embroidery order, digital PDF mock-up with print order
  • Free design service
  • Low programming costs from €29.90
  • Fast delivery from 7 working days
  • Our customer service is always available by phone from Monday to Friday from 09 am - 5 pm. We will also be happy to answer your enquiry by e-mail.

We answer your questions promptly and welcome any feedback!
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